Save 'Total Talk Nonsense'!

Open letter to the wife of Total Talk Nonsense (TTN) co-presenter Scott:- It has been brought to our attention that after the 100th webcast of the popular TTN, presented by Jon and Scott, that the aforementioned Scott will be pulling out of his duties at your request. Whilst we commend you for having your husband under the thumb, we urge you to reconsider this proposal. In withdrawing Scott from the webcast, it is unlikely that the show will ever be aired again, as an integral part of the show will have been removed. The undersigned here beg of you to allow us this concession and let us keep Scott where we feel he firmly belongs - as co-presenter of our most loved Total Talk Nonsense. Yours in trust, The Listeners of Total Talk Nonsense P.S:- It is Spenny's considered opinion that Scott isn't gay. He's just in touch with his feminine side!