Save Candler Park Golf Course
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This petition is a show of support for SAVING Candler Park Golf Course. The Candler Park Golf Course is currently under review to close the course by the Parks Commissioner and Park Pride as part of a “visioning” strategy. Candler Park Golf Course could remain in its current state if 80% of the neighborhood supports removing the golf course from the “visioning process”.
Reasons to keep Candler Park Golf Course “as-is”:
1. Founded in 1926 to offer accessible golf for the neighborhood
2. Historical Relevance: provided women and minorities a place to play golf during exclusionary times, one of the few remaining vintage courses, a notable amenity of the neighborhood originally developed by the Candler Family
3. Offers beautiful and unique green space to the Candler Park neighborhood
4. Provides free golf lessons to children
5. Haven for wildlife in metro Atlanta; unique flora and fauna are thriving
6. Daily maintenance provides a safe green space by deterring illegal and undesirable activities
7. Daily maintenance ensures the area remains an attractive green space and deters crime and vagrants
8. If the course were eliminated, maintenance of the land would cost the city an estimated 40 acres x $7,000/acre, or $280,000. The city cannot afford this.
Keep the community around Candler Park Golf Course SAFE and BEAUTIFUL.
Voice your opposition to closing the course. Thank you for your support.
Friends of Candler Park Golf Course
To request Candler Park Golf Course remain open, please voice your concerns to Councilman Alex Wan or email awan@atlantaga.gov