Save Adult Literacy in New York City

By signing below, I proudly join Councilwoman Sara M. Gonzalez, the New York Coalition for Adult Literacy, and thousands of advocates, teachers, and students in calling for the restoration of the proposed $5.18 million cut to Adult Literacy programs through the Department of Youth and Community Development.
This proposed action, announced in Mayor Bloomberg's Preliminary Fiscal Year 2011 Budget, would have a devastating impact on thousands of people who attend free GED, ESL, and Adult Basic Education courses throughout New York City as a result of this funding.
Times of economic hardship and uncertainty are when we should be investing in those services that ready our communities to be competitive when the economy recovers. Divesting in such services would be penny wise and pound foolish at best and catastrophic for many of our most vulnerable citizens at worst.
We ask that the Administration reconsider this unnecessary cut and find alternate cost savings that do not impact such important programs.