Save Browns Chapel Park

Please sign this petition to help us Save Browns Chapel Park in Reston, Virginia. Let the board members of Reston Association and Reston Community Center know we do not want them to destroy this picturesque park to build a massive recreation center complex and multi-story parking garage. Reston residents will solely carry the burden for this $100,000,000.00 (one hundred million dollar) project. We don't want to lose our baseball fields, picnic areas, walking trails, basketball court and playground. Open spaces are valuable resources which require stewardship for all Restonians. THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT - At the July RA Board Meeting the board voted 7 to 2 in favor of a motion not to build the indoor recreation center on Browns Chapel Park. NEXT EVENT: Come celebrate the park at our 1st annual Picnic at Browns Chapel Park on Sunday September 6 from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm. We will provide hotdogs, burgers, and lemonade. Please bring a side dish or chip to share. See you there. (URGENT DISCLAIMER) Please be aware that the "DONATION REQUEST" page that appears AFTER you click "submit" for your on-line signature and comment is NOT for Save Browns Chapel, it's from i-petition. You DO NOT need to make any donations. Simply close/exit this website and ignore the "continue to donation". Thank you for supporting Save Browns Chapel. For more information go to our website: http://www.savebrownschapel.com/index.html