Save Castle Toward!
Andy Loudon 0

Save Castle Toward!

1730 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Andy Loudon 0 Comments
1730 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

For over fifty years Castle Toward has played host to music, drama and arts groups from across the country, changing the lives of countless numbers of children along the way. However, since it was originally obtained by the Corporation of Glasgow it has been passed to Strathclyde Region and then to Argyll & Bute Council. Argyll & Bute have seemed determined to sell it ever since they became responsible for it as a result of the reorganisation of local authorities and at least two large scale protests have been required in recent years to save the castle.

In the latest twist they are using an inspection of the castle which identified some repairs needing done as an excuse to close the Castle down and claim it as an unaffordable luxury. This is all being done behind closed doors.

Castle Toward is a unique place in the Scottish arts world which must be retained. It has inspired many of the finest Scottish musicians and artists working today to pursue their careers and future generations should not suffer from the determination of politicians to sell it. If it is sold there is no way back so we need your help to spread the word and show politicians the value of Toward, not financially, but in the cultural and educational life of this country.

We need people involved in the arts at all levels to show their support and sign this petition, whether you are a professional, amateur or a supporter. Please sign this petition if you have been to Toward or anywhere similar, if you know anyone who has, or even just if you believe in the value of these type of centres. If you feel you can make a comment explaining why you've signed it that would also help.

Sign this petition and help us retain what has been an incredible facility for over 500,000 people during 60 years for the next generation to enjoy.

PLEASE HELP US, but please, only sign once. Signing multiple times throws doubt on the validity of this petition.

Argyll and Bute council have now put the castle on the market. Guide price is £2.25M, but it's worth far more in terms of childhood memories and changed lives. Please continue to help!


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