***URGENT!!! PLEASE TAKE NOTICE*** Dear Islip Residents. There is an application currently in place with the Islip Town Planning Board from the current owner of THE ISLIP MOVIE THEATER located at 410 Main Street, Islip, NY 11751 to demolish the theater and erect a franchise daycare center in its place. The daycare center will create much more traffic congestion on the side streets and filtering up to Main street with parents dropping off and picking up children from 6:30a.m. to 6:30p.m. daily during business hours. There will also be a concern with the municipal parking lot being maxed out on Smith Avenue. In addition to this, there is a safety concern with the drop offs and pickups of children on Smith Avenue due to the Fire Department needing clear access in case of emergency calls! The street would become more populated with parents and children crossing there from the parking lot all day long. This congestion could potentially endanger the parents and children crossing that street if there is an emergency Fire Department call, not to mention slowing down the Fire Department's access to the street! There was a hearing on this application on June 18, 2009 at 7:30pm. The turnout for this meeting was not so strong as many did not know about it in enough time to plan to attend. The demolition of the theater building was not specifically mentioned then or in the notices posted on the doors of the theater only a week prior to the meeting. Many of you may still not be aware of this! The theater was built in 1946 and is quite a nice art deco building which for many years was the nucleus in the heart of the town for entertainment to families. It brought people out for those special family trips to the cinema and we want to make sure that it remains in the heart of town for generations to come. The building needs some work but there is an organization (a Benefactor) already onboard that is ready willing and able to pay to renovate it and make it a "Town of Islip Music Hall" and also keep it as a movie theater! We URGENTLY need your support in stopping the destruction of this diamond in the rough historic theater building. The town has informed us that the next meeting will be to determine the final fate of the theater. In other words, there will be no more input accepted from the public at the next meeting (possibly 8/20/09) . This is why it is "CRUCIAL" that you show your support NOW in saving this beautiful and timeless building by signing this petition so we can submit it to the town. The town has informed us that "All" who are "AGAINST" the theater being destroyed will be heard by the town planning board so long as you ACT NOW and let them know you are against this prior to the next and final meeting(8/20/09). We also URGE YOU TO CALL AND WRITE to the town in opposition to this by contacting them "IMMEDIATELY" at the telephone number and address below. DO NOT DELAY!!!PLEASE!!! your voice does count!! Please support this petition! Post your feelings asking the town to save this(one of the very few survivng original theaters)building! Please help us make a difference now before it is too late! write to the town in opposition of this at: TOWN OF ISLIP DEPT. OF PLANNING & DEVELOPEMENT 655 Main Street Islip, NY 11751 Att: EUGENE J. MURPHY and Carbon Copy To: DAVE GENAWAY and PHIL NOLAN's Office. or Call 631-224-5450 and ask for: Dave Genaway ALSO CALL PHIL NOLAN's office! PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO SIGN THIS ONLINE PETITION below in addition to writing and calling the TOWN PLANNING BOARD at the contact number and address above. PLEASE DO BOTH TO SAVE OUR THEATER!!! ALSO WRITE TO: EUGENE J. MURPHY Commissioner Department of Planning and Development 655 Main Street Islip, NY 11751 DAVE GENAWAY Deputy Commissioner Department of Planning and Development 655 Main Street Islip, NY 11751 PHIL NOLAN Town Supervisor 655 Main Street Islip, NY 11751 EXPRESS YOUR CONCERNS AND LET "MR. MURPHY" and the "PLANNING BOARD" KNOW THAT WE DO NOT WANT TO GIVE UP OUR ISLIP THEATER!!!! WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR URGENTLY NEEDED SUPPORT!!!