Save Old Logger's Path and Rock Run from unnecessary gas development!
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Preserve the beauty of some of Pennsylvania's most pristine areas - put a halt to the destruction of Old Logger's Path! A get-away in the woods known to locals and tourists alike, is now being threatened by our insatiable greed for fuel. If the drilling planned for this area is allowed to continue, an area once renowned for its isolation and tranquility will become a man-made wasteland.
Not only could the fracking of Old Logger's Path and the surrounding areas make the trail nearly unexplorable, but the flowing waters of Rock Run, located just outside the trail, will likely become too toxic for any sort of life. Swimming, exploring, learning and escaping will no longer be an option for those who admire this land. Human, plant and animal life will all suffer from this decimation. Once this area is destroyed, the chances of it ever being returned to it's natural glory are grim.
It is up to us to decide what sort of world the next generation will live in. Our children, and our children's children should not have to hear stories of what a beautiful planet we once inhabited. They should not have to wonder what clean, natural environments really look like. Wild areas and the safety that they offer is more valuable than oil will ever be.
Keep the planet we were given safe, make your voice heard and stop the toxic development of our last remaining natural havens!