Save the Pierce Farm and Agriculture Program

The future of the Pierce College Farm is in jeopardy at the hands of its very own Board of Trustees. Through a calculated and planned course of action, the former Pierce College President and Board of Trustees have set into motion a course of action that will ultimately kill the only two year American Veterinary Medical Association accredited agriculture program in Southern California and eliminate stable career opportunities for its students. In this difficult financial time it's unconscionable for an academic institution to undercut a viable, successful program. They intend to permanently destroy residences that have housed full time animal caretakers and unnecessarily relocate the agricultural sciences department to a newer, yet overcrowded and insufficiently equipped shared space. These measures ultimately serve to kill off the entire agriculture department and relegate it to learning through a museum. We need our farm and our animals to effectively learn our craft and compete successfully in veterinary school and veterinary technology. Please sign our petition and let the interim President Joy McCaslin and the Board of Trustees know just how we feel!