Save the Pleasure Point Roadhouse
The Pleasure Point Roadhouse is an icon for the Pleasure Point surfing community. It is one of the oldest structures in our surf village. With its barn and out buildings, it is a link to our past. It was used for farming, vacationing, a roadhouse during prohibition, an early gas station, and a store. Ask for the Roadhouse to be saved for a Community Center and Park site. We need a site for a community center,a history/surf museum and many other good things. Please come and support and bring your ideas too. We support the recognition of this site as an historic resource and advocate that it be saved for these purposes. The Supervisors will hear the proposal for Historic designation again Tue, Teb 12, 2008 Go to Item 70 at We need to be there too. Ask the board to list it at NR-5 now. To contact the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisor�s email:,,, jan.beautz@co. santa-cruz., The County building is 701 Ocean St. Santa Cruz, Calif Write letters to the Supervisors, Room 500, the papers and call your Supervisor at 454-2200. It is time to list it. Lets save it as a Park Go to the information from the previous meetings Jan 23 March 27 May 15 Aug 14 The information is now missing from the following PDF. Many comments calling for the preservation of this site for the greater good. Nov 20 Item 49 RDA buy Roadhouse for a Park Item 55 Historic designation of Roadhouse 16. NEW APPEALS. See AGENDA CATEGORIES. b. Appeal No. A-3-SCO-08-36 (Naslund, Santa Cruz Co.)Appeal of Santa Cruz County decision granting permit with conditions to Leila Naslund to demolish single family home and associated outbuildings (known locally as “Pleasure Point Roadhouse”), at 23905 East Cliff Drive, in Live Oak – Pleasure Point area, Santa Cruz County. Your voice makes the difference. Only we can save it. There is a proposal to buy it for a park. With your help, we can encourage Redevelopment and the Board of Supervisors to save it. Join the preservation committee. Email to help