Save Telegraph Hill Playclub

The petition has now been submitted. But we still need your help. Please see http://www.saveourplayclub.org.uk/
about how to respond to the council consultation
Petition to Lewisham Council
The local community are filing this petition to stop the closure of the Telegraph Hill playgroup.
The Telegraph Hill Generations playclub is threatened with closure in May 2013 as part of the proposed council cuts. The playgroup has been part of our community for the last 50 years. What will the local community do without this vital community service?
The Telegraph Hill Playgroup is central; situated in a beautiful park, with a variety of indoor and outdoor play equipment for preschool children. Through using this local facility it offers a wide range of learning experiences, such as learning about the world, making friends and developing social skills. The club also offers parents, grandparents and carers, a chance to meet other people in their local community to share ideas and experience. Over 200 parents, grandparents, caeres use this facility each week.
If this playgroup is closed it will create a sense of isolation for many of its users and be another breakdown in our community. The cost of keeping Telegraph Hll playgroup in operation would be outweighed by the value-added benefits to the community.
The following petitioners ask Lewisham Council to keep the Telegraph Hill Generations playgroup open.
Email: info@saveourplayclub.org.uk
Web: http://www.saveourplayclub.org.uk
Facebook: facebook.com/SaveTelegraphHillPlayclub
Twitter: twitter.com/savetghpc
Phone: Abi 07771633590