Save the Glass House
signers. Add your name now!

signers. Almost there! Add your voice!

We the fans of the Glass House are shocked and appalled by the ABC decision to axe the Glass House. We request that the Board does all in its power to reinstate this program in the name of good humour and free speech !! As Corinne Grant stated: "Only the ABC would cancel a show that is at the height of its ratings success and say it is time to move on. That would be like Pat Cash winning Wimbledon and going \'oh, it\'s time to move on\'," SAVE THE GLASS HOUSE
The Committee to Save the Glass House
Make sure you keep the petition going !
Email it to your friends, family, workmates and everyone else in your address book.
If you want to do more contact you local media outlets and ask them to post the link on their websites or to give it a shout on air
If you have an ideas, complaints or concerns we can be contacted at :
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