Save The Las Vegas Wranglers - Keep Them In Las Vegas

By signing this petition you are showing your support in the FIGHT to keep The Wranglers here in Las Vegas where they belong. This team means so much too so many and NOW is the time when they need us the most. This is OUR team and we refuse to let this team go without a fight. This team needs all of our support. Hockey isn't hockey without its fans and our support here and on the "Save The Las Vegas Wranglers" Facebook Page along with the undying effort from The Wranglers management we WILL find this team a new venue right here in Las Vegas securing their future for the upcoming 2014/2015 season.Let your voice be heard bysigning this petition and leaving your comments.Let it be known, the impact this organization has on this city and what a tragedy it would be to lose them. Finances and revenue aside, as viable as this team is, this organization has gone to bat for so many. I understand revenue is going to be a big player in thenegotiations in an attempt to secure a new venue but it needs to be known, aside from money, what this organization does for this city and beyond.Through it's countless affiliations with local and national charities to the way they've reached, this year allone, 26,000 students in the Clark Couty School Districk through it's"Reading Wranglers" program to promote and encouragelitterracy, this organiztion never stops helping thoes around them. This team deserves this FIGHT. Please sign this petition, be heard and show this team and this citywhatThe Wranglersmean to us.