No New Taxes in 2010!

I, a citizen of the State of Washington, urge my elected representatives in the Washington State legislature to pass the resolution below. I feel it is your duty to take immediate action to address the state budget deficit by cutting state spending and not by raising my taxes.
(For background information visit PushBackNoTax.com/resolution.html.)
Sample Resolution for the Washington State Legislature
WHEREAS, the Economic and Revenue Forecast Council has projected a $1.68 billion revenue decrease for the 2009-11 biennium; a decrease that can be defined as a significant revenue shortfall; and
WHEREAS, the state’s Office of Financial Management has projected a $2.6 billion general fund budget deficit for the current biennium; and
WHEREAS, the existing measures Governor Gregoire has taken to curb this deficit, such as hiring freezes, travel restrictions, and personal service contract restrictions, have been insufficient to close the general fund budget deficit; and
WHEREAS, our state’s economy cannot sustain tax increases without harming economic recovery; and
WHEREAS, the significant general fund revenue shortfall necessitates a modification of the collective bargaining agreements in accordance with RCW 41.80.010(6);
NOW, THEREFORE, the duly elected legislators of the State of Washington do hereby declare that a financial emergency in the state General Fund exists because anticipated revenues are insufficient to meet anticipated expenditures for the remainder of the biennium.
Pursuant to RCW 41.80.010(6) and effective immediately, we hereby direct both parties to all state collective bargaining agreements to immediately enter into collective bargaining for a mutually agreed upon modification of the agreements that results in a significant reduction of state spending.
Moreover, we hereby direct a revision of allotments of appropriations from the state General Fund to all state agencies including those agencies headed by elected officials and to the budgets of the Legislature and Courts. Each affected agency shall reduce its expenditures from the state General Fund by 8.4 percent of the agency's total biennial state General Fund appropriations to be effective January 31, 2010, unless the legislature takes action prior to that date to save a corresponding amount.
The Director of the Office of Financial Management will issue detailed instructions necessary to implement this resolution.