Say NO to Federal Relocation of Illegal Immigrants in Ohio!

Governor John Kasich
Riffe Center, 30th Floor
77 South High Street
Columbus, OH 43215
Illegal Immigrant Relocation / Ohio
Dear Governor Kasich,
This petition concerns the illegal immigration crisis happening on our southern border, in which a massive influx of immigrants is seeking unauthorized entry to the United States. In addition to our outrage over the deliberate role the federal government is taking in this effort that violates our immigration laws, there are serious concerns regarding the government’s attempts to relocate illegal aliens in states across the U.S., including Ohio.
With the federal government actively seeking locations across the country to accommodate this unprecedented overflow of illegal adult immigrants and unaccompanied minors, Ohio should not be allowed to be used as a dumping ground, nor should the residents of Ohio be forced to bear any part of the burden of the ongoing border crisis created by the current Administration in Washington D.C.
Besides the negative fiscal impact it will have on our state, it will create an even further strain on educational, health, safety, and other vital services provided by our state to Ohio residents. Illegal aliens are being admitted into the United States with contagions, and TSA has suspended photo i.d. requirements for illegals boarding commercial aircraft. Some of the illegals are criminals, belong to gangs, and have no legal relative in the United States. Ohioans should not be exposed to the health hazards and security risks posed by such aliens.
Therefore, we the undersigned Ohio residents respectfully request that you exercise all Federal & State Constitutional power and authority afforded to you as Governor of this state, to vigorously resist any federal relocation attempts of these individuals within the borders of our state.
In closing, by standing strong against any federal relocation attempts, it will show by action, that you truly put legal Ohio residents first.