Say No To Tobacco on line voting campaign 23 May-31 May In view of the World No Tobacco Day, TOBACCO FREE INDIA is launching a voting campaign. Say No To Tobacco Today, Tobacco is the single largest preventable cause of death and disease in the world! Worldwide 5 million people dies of tobacco related diseases each year. Everyday, approximately 80,000 to 100,000 young people around the world become addicted to tobacco. I join WE NEED CHANGE in sending a message to the world that we stand against tobacco consumption-the lethal addictive carcinogen that directly kills half of its users, as well as non smoking bystanders- I sign this declaration to show my support. Quit Now ! SAY NO TO TOBACCO ! You can vote by signing the SAY NO TO TOBACCO declaration at:- www.weneedchange2020.blogspot.com The online voting campaign is being organized by “TOBACCO FREE INDIA”, a youth organization.It is a 7 day voting campaign which will end by presenting a copy of declaration to the President of India,Governor Uttar Pradesh. Objective of the campaign It has been planned to sensitize youth about the gravity of the problems related to tobacco consumption,Consequently,to make them realize that the chain of addiction can be broken and quitting tobacco is not impossible.