Opposing the Abuse of State Power - Scholars' Global Petition against the Arrest of Labor Activists in China

We ask members in the academic community all over the world to sign the
petition and join the growing campaign for the release of the detainees
and an end to the repression of legitimate labor rights organizations
in China.
President Xi Jinping,
Opposing the Abuse of State Power
Scholars' Global Petition against the Arrest of Labor Activists in China
On December 3, authorities detained 20 labor activists in Guangdong Province. Four have been placed under criminal charge, several are unaccounted for, and the rest have been questioned and released. All of these activists are associated with four grass-roots labor NGOs in the Pearl River Delta. This campaign of unprovoked suppression has once again put into profound question the abuse of government authority in China. A "sweep" such as this is intended to terrorize and intimidate, not enforce a system of judicious rules; it is the use of government power to bully.
We, the undersigned scholars - including experts on China, labor relations, and related fields - join with many others to decry this abuse of power. We stand in support of these activists who have willingly taken on personal risk to educate and organize workers seeking their legal entitlement to, most critically, salary, social insurance, and severance compensation. To those of us who know some of these activists personally or through research, the charges of "creating public disorder" are ludicrous. On the contrary, they are committed to an orderly system of labor relations – a goal which the government claims to share.
The implications of the government’s actions go beyond the individuals and organisations affected and the invaluable work they do. As scholars and researchers, we are also concerned for the future of labor-related research in China. The climate created by this latest crackdown will serve as a barrier to research partnerships and exchanges between academic institutions in and outside China; it will impact negatively on research funding bids; and it will constrain all-important cooperation between civil society actors and academics. As a consequence, the quality of research may well decline and this will, sooner or later, generate lower standards of policy- and law-making.
The Chinese government is certainly not alone among governments in its failure to enforce the legal rights of workers; many states carry out - or tolerate - extra-legal suppression of workers and unions. However, China is singular in its position of rising dominance among nations. As such, its failure to find the discipline to govern by the rule of law is a stunning failure. It cannot be tolerated by those who live under this rule, or by those who observe it from without.
We join many others in China and around the world who call for the immediate release of these colleagues, and full reinstatement to their freedom, work, and property:
- Zeng Feiyang (曾飞洋) of Guangzhou’s Panyu Da Gong Zu Service Center (番禺打工族服务中心)
- He Xiaobo (何晓波) of Foshan’s Nan Fei Yan Social Work Service Organization (南飞雁社 会工作服务中心)
- Zhu Xiaomei (朱小梅) of Guangzhou’s Panyu Da Gong Zu Service Center (番禺打工族服务中心)
- Deng Xiaoming (邓小明) of Guangzhou Hai Ge Workers’ Services Center (广州海哥劳工服务部)
- Pang Jiayong (彭家勇)of Laborer Mutual Aid Group in Panyu (番禺区劳工互助小组)
Co-signed by:
Ms. Maria AHLSTEN (PhD candidate), University of Bristol
Dr. Anne ALEXANDER, University of Cambridge
Ms. Carolina Cristina ALVES, SOAS, University of London
Dr. Mark ANNER, Pennsylvania State University
Mr. Iqra ANUGRAH, Northern Illinois University
Prof. Richard APPELBAUM (MacArthur Foundation Chair), University of California, Santa Barbara
Dr. Raees BAIG, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dr. Gianpaolo BAIOCCHI, New York University
Dr. Tom BARNES, Australian Catholic University
Dr. Rainer BARTEL, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Dr. Tim BARTLEY, Ohio State University
Prof. Jean-Philippe BÉJA, Centre de Recherches internationales, Sciences-Po, CNRS, Paris
Ms. Amanda BELL (JD), Columbia Law School
Dr. Torsten BEWERNITZ, Universität Mannheim
Prof. Andreas BIELER, University of Nottingham
Prof. Eileen BORIS, University of California, Santa Barbara
Dr. Annavajhula J.C. BOSE, Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi, India
Dr. Tom BRAMBLE, The University of Queensland Business School
Prof. Ulrich BRAND, University of Vienna
Prof. Johanna BRENNER, Portland State University
Dr. Florian BUTOLLO, University of Jena
Dr. Deborah CAFIERO, University of Vermont
Prof. Étienne CANTIN, Université Laval
Dr. Paula CHAKRAVARTTY, New York University
Prof. Anita CHAN, Australian National University
Prof. CHAN Ching-Kiu, Stephen, Lingnan University
Dr. Chris CHAN, City University of Hong Kong
Dr. Jenny CHAN, University of Oxford
Mr. CHAN Ka Wai, Labour Action China
Ms. Shuk-ying CHAN, Princeton University
Mr. Thomas CHAN, Hong Kong Community College, CPCE, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Dr. Vivian CHAN, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dr. CHAN Yun Chung, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Dr. Chih-Jou Jay CHEN, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Prof. Feng CHEN, Hong Kong Baptist University
Ms. Linda CHEN, Hong Kong Baptist University
Ms. Patricia CHEN, University of Michigan
Dr. Edmund CHENG, Hong Kong Baptist University
Mr. Louis CHIK, Université catholique de Louvain
Dr. CHIU Yu Bin, National Pingtung University, Taiwan
Dr. Nick CHU, retired
Prof. Paul CLARK, School of Labor and Employment Relations, Penn State University
Prof. Simon CLARKE, University of Warwick
Dr. Dan CLAWSON, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Ms. Sila DEMIRORS, SOAS, University of London
Prof. Frank DEPPE, University of Marburg, Germany
Dr. Surya DEVA, City University of Hong Kong
Dr. Paolo DO, Istituto Svizzero di Roma
Prof. Stephen DODD, SOAS, University of London
Prof. Tony DUNDON, NUI Galway
Dr. James EASTWOOD, SOAS, University of London
Prof. Barry EIDLIN, McGill University
Mr. Manfred ELFSTROM, Cornell University
Prof. Cynthia ESTLUND, New York University School of Law
Prof. Peter EVANS, University of California-Berkeley
Mr. Greg FAY, Uyghur Human Rights Project
Ms. Xiaojun FENG, University of Oxford
Prof. Iain FERGUSON, University of the West of Scotland
Prof. David Feurzeig, University of Vermont
Prof. Eric FLORENCE, University of Liege
Dr. Ivan FRANCESCHINI, Australian National University
Dr. John FRANKLIN,University of Vermont
Dr. Eli FRIEDMAN, Cornell University
Dr. Sam FRIEDMAN, London School of Economics
Dr. King-wa FU, The University of Hong Kong
Ms. FUNG Pikki, HKCT Institute of Higher Education
Prof. Mary GALLAGHER, University of Michigan
Dr. Alexander GALLAS, University of Kassel
Prof. Ferruccio GAMBINO, University of Padova
Ms. Fei GAO,Duke University
Mr. Paul GARVER (retired), Rutgers University Labor Center
Dr. Catherine GEGOUT, University of Nottingham
Prof. Bettina GRANSOW, Freie Universität Berlin, East Asian Institute
Ms. Bele GRAU, Goethe Universität Frankfurt
Prof. Martin HART-LANDSBERG, Lewis and Clark College
Prof. Jeffrey HENDERSON, University of Bristol
Mr. Jeffery HERMANSON, Columbia University
Mr. Micha HINTZ, Universität Kassel, Hochschule Ludwigshafen, Germany
Prof. Chi Kwan HO, Caritas Institute of Higher Education, Hong Kong
Dr. HO Wing Chung, City University of Hong Kong
Prof. Ming-sho HO, National Taiwan University
Dr. Christian HOGSBJERG, University of Leeds
Prof. Jude HOWELL, London School of Economics
Prof. Jean-François HUCHET, INALCO- Paris-France
Prof. Stefanie HUERTGEN, University of Salzburg, Austria
Dr. Elaine HUI, Penn State University
Prof. Richard HYMAN, London School of Economics
Prof. Tomoaki ISHII, Meiji University, Tokyo
Dr. Feyzi ISMAIL, SOAS, University of London
Prof. David JAFFEE, University of North Florida
Dr. JAKIMOW Gosia, University of Sheffield
Mr. Kai KAJITANI, Kobe University
Dr. Bridget KENNY, University of the Witwatersrand
Ms. Carole KERBAGE, American University of Beirut
Prof. Martin KICH, Wright State University
Mr. Jik-Soo KIM, Chung-ang University, Seoul
Mr. Oliver KLOSS, Universität Leipzig
Dr. Daniel KREMERS, German Institute for Japanese Studies, Tokyo
Dr. Rick KUHN, Australian National University
Mr. Rudolf LACHINGER, Bundesministerium für Arbeit, Soziales und Konsumentenschutz
Prof. Jinine LAI, University of Suwon
Dr. Pei-Chia LAN, National Taiwan University
Prof. Carol LANG, Bronx Community College
Dr. Tom LANGFORD, University of Calgary, Canada
Prof. Ching Kwan LEE, UCLA
Dr. LEE Chun Wing, Hong Kong Community College
Dr. LEE Chun-yee, Nottingham University
Mr. LEE Kim Ming, Community College of City University, Hong Kong
Dr. Penny LEWIS, City University of Hong Kong
Prof. Chunyun LI, London School of Economics
Dr. Lin LI, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Mr. LI Man Kong, Central European University
Ms. Zhongjin LI, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Ms. Zhouxun LI, University of Sydney
Dr. Frank LIN, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Mr. Kevin LIN, University of Technology, Sydney
Dr. LIN Thunghong, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Prof. Ralph LITZINGER, Duke University, Cultural Anthropology
Ms. Wei LIU, The International Service for Human Rights
Ms. Sammy LOCK, SOAS, University of London
Prof. John LOGAN, San Francisco State University
Prof. Stephanie LUCE, City University of New York
Mr. Stephen MA, City University of Hong Kong
Prof. Fred MAGDOFF, University of Vermont
Mr. MAK Hoi Wah, City University of Hong Kong
Dr. Franz MANG, Oxford University
Ms. Anya MARCELIS, SOAS, University of London
Dr. Thomas MAROIS (Senior Lecturer), SOAS, University of London
Prof. Kieko MATTESON, University of Hawai'i at Manoa
Dr. Richard MAXWELL, CUNY, Queens College
Dr. Jamie MCCALLUM, Middlebury College
Dr. Elaine MCCRATE, University of Vermont
Ms. Liz MEDINA, Goldsmiths, University of London
Dr. Alessandra MEZZADRI, SOAS, University of London
Mr. Calvin MIAW, Stanford University
Prof. Ruth MILKMAN, City University of New York
Dr. John MOLYNEUX (retired), University of Portsmouth
Dr. Lorenza MONACO, SOAS, University of London
MS. Janet MUNAKAMWE, University of the Witwatersrand
Dr. Carolina Bank MUÑOZ, Brooklyn College and The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Mr. NAJAMUDIN, University of Leeds UK
Ms. Nithya NATARAJAN, SOAS, University of London
Prof. Anders NEERGAARD, Linköping University
Mr. NG Tsz Fung Kenneth, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dr. Paolo NOVAK, SOAS, University of London
Mr. Royce NOVAK, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Mr. Matt NOYES, Meiji University, Tokyo Japan
Mr. Manuel O'NEILL, Goddard College
Ms. Darcy PAN, Stockholm University
Ms. Jini PARK, Cornell University
Prof. Stephen PHILION, St. Cloud State University
Dr. Eva PILS, King's College London
Dr. Francesco PIRONE, University of Naples Federico II
Mr. Hizkia Yosie POLIMPUNG, Purusha Research Cooperatives / Universitas Indonesia
Dr. Tim PRINGLE, SOAS, University of London
Prof. PUN Ngai, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Prof. Laura PUNNETT, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Dr. Jack QIU, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dr. Rahul RAO, SOAS, University of London
Prof. John RAPP, Beloit College
Prof. Nora RÄTHZEL, Umea Universitet
Dr. Karl REITTER, (retired)
Prof. Chris Rhomberg, Fordham University
Mr. Muhammad RIDHA, KPRI Jakarta
Dr. Matteo RIZZO, SOAS, University of London
Dr. Ian ROBINSON, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Mr. Steven ROLF, University of Bristol
Dr. Daisy ROOKS, University of Montana
Prof. Andrew ROSS, New York University
Prof. Robert J.S. ROSS, Clark University
Dr. Paul RYAN, National University of Ireland
Prof. Devi SACCHETTO, University of Padova
Prof. Christoph SCHERRER, University of Kassel
Dr. Mark SELDEN, Cornell University
Prof. Jackie SHEEHAN, University College Cork
Dr. Rachel SHERMAN, The New School
Prof. David SHIMAN, University of Vermont
Mr. SHIU Ka Chun, Hong Kong Baptist University
Dr. Subir SINHA, SOAS, University of London
Dr. Kaxton SIU, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Prof. Chris SMITH, Royal Holloway, University of London
Prof. Alvin SO, Hong Kong University of Sciences and Technology
Ms. Sophia SO, The University of Hong Kong
Prof. Dorothy SOLINGER, University of California, Irvine
Prof. Colin SPARKS, Hong Kong Baptist University
Prof. Peter SPITZFORM, University of Vermont
Prof. Thomas STREETER, University of Vermont
Ms. Lillian Hsiao-Ling SU, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Prof. SUN Wanning, University of Technology Sydney
Mr. Jacky TAI, KU Leuven
Dr. Lynn TANG, Tung Wah College
Dr. Bill TAYLOR, City University of Hong Kong
Prof. Phil TAYLOR, University of Strathclyde
Prof. Chris TILLY, University of California, Los Angeles
Mr. TO Yiu Ming, Hong Kong Baptist University
Ms. Fuk Ying TSE, University of Warwick
Prof. Martin UPCHURCH, Middlesex University, London, UK
Prof. Kees, VAN DER PIJI, University of Sussex
Prof. Isidor WALLIMANN, Syracuse University
Ms. WANG Ting, City University of Hong Kong
Dr. Peter WATERMAN (retired), International Institute of Social Studies, The Hague
Dr. Sarah WATERS, University of Leeds
Dr. Eve WEINBAUM, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Prof. Susan WEISSMAN, Saint Mary's College of California
Dr. Nancy WELCH, University of Vermont
Mr. Rand WILSON, Service Employees International Union
Dr. R. Herlambang P. WIRATRAMAN, Faculty of Law Universitas Airlangga, Coordinator of Indonesian Lecturer Association for Human Rights
Mrs. Eveline WOLLNER, University of Vienna
Dr. WONG Choi Fung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Mr. WONG Hoi Tung, The University of Hong Kong
Dr. WONG Hung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Mrs. Mami YAMAGUCHI, Institute of Developing Economies
Ms. Shirley YANG, Hong Kong Baptist University
Ms. Yujeong YANG, University of Michigan
Mr. Ken YAU, The University of Hong Kong
Mr. Marco YAU, Hong Kong Baptist University
Mr. Samson YUEN, The Open University of Hong Kong
Prof. Bodo ZEUNER, Freie Universität Berlin
Dr. Lu ZHANG, Temple University
(The signatories above are listed according to alphabetical order. 220 signatures. Last updated on January 5, 2016, 15:30.)