Second Life\'s copy restrictions settings

Right now any author (builder, scripter) in Second Life, whether he makes objects, scripts, textures or animations, can chose for himself which copy restrictions he wants to put on his work, and we want it to stay this way. What we do not want, and that's what this petition is about, are the following 4 restrictions that come by default on every prim that you rez: 1) Allow nobody to copy 2) Next owner can not copy 3) Next owner can not modify 4) Next owner can not resell/give away This causes new builders to unintentionally build proprietary objects. Experienced builders know very well how to put copy restrictions on their objects, so if they want to make their objects proprietary they can do so anytime. For newbies however things are different. Newbies often have no intention at all to put restrictions on the simple objects they build, they just want to find out how things work, so therefore we think it is more logical not to put copy restrictions on every prim by default. In order to not build proprietary objects by default, we would like to ask the Lindens headquarters to let residents make an active choice about restrictions. To make this not annoying, we propose to add the option that people can set the rights in the way they want as their default choice. Please sign this petition with your SL username. (After signing you will be asked for a donation; that has nothing to do with our group but only with the ipetitions website; donating is of course voluntary). Thanks in advance for your support. Update: (Sep, 15th 2008) Catherine Pfeffer made a patch that would solve the subject of this petition (so allowing people to set open source permissions as a default for the stuff they create). So keep voting please for this petition and also vote on: http://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-8049 where the patch is developed and published. Thank you so much Catherine for your great work! Update: On February the 12th we offered the petition to Linden Lab's and the response was very positive. We trust these changes will be implemented in the viewer in the near future. In the meantime, you can keep signing this petition and still vote on the Jira: http://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-8049