Keep Fahim and Zubair in the UK

Fahim was born in Afghanistan. At 15 years old, he witnessed the murder of his mother, father and sister, as a direct result of the political climate in Afghanistan. Fahim fled with his little brother, Zubair for a genuine fear for their lives, and 9 months later they were in the UK.
Fahim and Zubair go to school in Yeovil. They are both extremely hard working boys and have become part of our community. Fahim is looking forward to continuing his education in the UK. He has only been in the country for two years and has managed to not only learn English but to be at the top of his class. He is currently completing his last year of secondary school and hopes to continue on to college and then university.
On January 5th 2011 Fahim will be 18. He has been told that he will not be able to complete his education but will have to return to Afghanistan. His brother, Zubair, will be returned into the care of Fahim. Zubair is only 13.
As the boys have been successful in a supportive and safe environment there is an assumption that they are now fully mentally equipped to deal with the horrific events which are still taking place in Afghanistan. It is deemed that a war and social unrest is an acceptable risk; that Fahim should be able to provide and protect his brother from imminent danger.
These two boys are amazing, it is true, but deporting them without adequate preparation with unknown consequences is callous and unforgivable. We are a country, which does not agree with violence and killing. We don’t support the death penalty. So why would we deport innocent young people to a place where their very existence is in jeopardy?
One can only wonder what sort of future will lie ahead for these boys if they were to be forcibly removed and put into a setting that was the cause of such extensive pain and anguish.
We believe that Fahim and Zubair should be enabled to complete their education within the UK to give them the best possible chance of success in the future.
Please sign our petition to keep Fahim and Zubair in the UK