Protest Shaw TV censorship of Finkelstein lecture!

To: Shaw Communications Your attempt to censor Professor Finkelstein's lecture is nothing less than infringement on freedom of speech. Such actions contradict providing balanced and accountable television programming that the company claims to provide. Bleeping out facts such as when Professor Finkelstein states"400 Palestinian children incinerated" is unacceptable and shows the unwillingness of cable companies to publish facts that show the truth about the atrocities committed by Israel even though this fact has been verified by several human rights reports, including those of the United Nations and Amnesty international. Furthermore, Professor Finkelstien should be free to use adjectives of his own choice in his condemnation of Israel. When a country is accused of serious war crimes by the United Nations, there is no need to censor such adjectives when they are clearly not based in any form of anti-semitism or racism. We demand that you replay the aforementioned lecture without any bleeps or censorship of any kind so that the public can make an informed and unbiased opinion of the material presented in Professor Finkelstein's lecture. Sincerly, The Undersigned