We, the undersigned concerned citizens, demand that Simon Property Group, Inc., owners of the Franklin Mills Mall, Philadelphia, close the "Army Experience Center." This Center, run by the United States Army, and paid for with our tax dollars, allows access to real life military equipment, bloody video games, and gives our youth free reign to stay in its location for hours using machine guns aimed at life-like targets. We are deeply outraged and upset by the militarization of our youth. Any and all citizens of this Country should be outraged by the militarization of our youth. If we do not stand against this, we are no better than those in third world countries with child armies that our government constantly criticizes. Shut the AEC down. War is not a game. Shame on those who think it is! Contact the owners of the mall and say no to the AEC: https://www.simon.com/about_simon/contact_spg/default.aspx