Laura Funke 0

"Signature of Support" for The Ocean Explorer Team & The Baltic Anomaly Expedition

272 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Laura Funke 0 Comments
272 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

If you are interested in the Baltic Sea anomaly, by signing this petition, you can show your support for the Ocean X Team and their latest discovery with a "signature of support". Your signature will show the importance of the project and encourage an increase of serious international media coverage!

An amazing research project, conducted by the Ocean X Team, is now underway in the international waters of the Baltic Sea. Since the discovery of the 60 meter circular structure last year, the team has developed a large group of followers, consisting of close to 13,000 individuals who anxiously await to find out what the object is. The team is sure that it is very old, possibly Pre - ice age. This could be a major archeological discovery, and we're standing on the verge of a history-changing event!

The Ocean X Team has already made three expeditions to examine the structure, however they still have not managed to identify it. The team is CONVINCED that they've found something unique.The mystery continues!

We hope that media agencies around the world are interested in this project, and that they publish a serious article.
It's critical for the continuation of the expedition. Companies that want join the team on this adventure are more than welcome to contact the Ocean X Team. .


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