Silence Right Wing Hate Radio for Good

Dear Fellow Americans:
In times past any form of hate speech was prohibited in the media. But today A number of Right Wing biased radio personalities are getting away with outlandish and attrocious behavior on public airwaves. Identities such as Rush Limbaugh, Anne Coulter, Don Imus, Bill O'Reilly, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity and others all make an obscene amount of money off of spouting hate rhetoric directed towards Democrats, the Working Class and the Poor. No such phenomenon exists on the left. This is a clear sign of the rich and powerful publicly voicing their hatred and disdain of those less fortunate than themselves.
This petition is aimed at Senate, The Congress, and the FCA to end once and for all Right Wing hate speeches as a form of hate crime. Make it illegal for personages such as Rush Limbaugh to refer to someone as a 'slut' or 'prostitute'. Make it illegal for Don Imus to refer to someone as a 'nappy headed ho'. Make them liable under the law to face the same penalties anyone else would face for making the same comments.
Also necessary is cutting at the root of this poisonous vine. Make the huge corporations that benefit from funding this form of hate speech liable as enablers and accessories. Help decent people remove this form of slander from our airwaves for ever!
Thank you.
Chris Melvin