Ban and legal action against Sita Sings The Blues'

The animation film "Sita Sings The Blues" which has been produced by Nina Paley and has been made available on internet freely under Creative Commons License is derogatory and extremely insult to Hindu culture, its role models and Ramayana which is a religious book of Hindus. The film attempts to misrepresent the events and characters of Ramayana in most derogatory manner through its explicit graphics, audio and dialogues. Some of the objectionable scenes include: 1. It begins with a semi-nude Goddess Lakshmi emerging from the sea and dancing on tune of a 'Blues' song 2. All goddesses have been portrayed in blatantly semi-nude or completely nude fashion with indecent focus on certain organs. 3. Vaanars offering bananas to Sita while she dances on a Blues song or when she is in bed, when Ram rejects her after defeating Ravan 4. Graphical representation of various organs of Sita when Shurpankha describes that Sita's various organs are like Lotus. Most vulgar language is used to describe Sita's beauty. 5. Ram is shown as kicking off Sita every now and then. 6. Hanuman and other are ridiculed as monkeys and jokes made on the same repeatedly. Hanuman is in most places referred as 'the monkey'. 7. Ram/Sita/Lakshmi etc are shown as dancing every now and then on modern Blue songs playing pipes etc. 8. A semi-nude Kaikeyi is nurse dress is shown holding Dashrath in her laps to show she cared for him when he was ill. 9. Lakshmi's heart is shown beating as she presses Vishnu's legs. The heart then flies and enters into head of Brahma. 10. Pictorially and verbally it is shown that some miscreants raised a turmoil and broke a mosque at Ayodhya because they falsely believed that Ram was born there. 11. Dashrath's death is shown in most crude manner as three anchors discuss whether he actually died or not. Dashrath continues closing his eyes and bringing his tongue out and then back, as the anchors shuffle between whether he died or not. 12. Hints on Sita not going back with Hanuman because she did not trust the monkey. 13. One of the anchors questionaing if Sita has s** with Ravan. 14.Nude girl and a skeleton dancing around all the Indian Gods and Goddesses to show cruelty of Indian gods. 15. Questions on how Sita got pregnant - In pushpak Viman or through Ravan. Arrows are shown pointing from certain parts of body of Ram and Ravn to Sita's stomach to show this confusion. After this the anchors shout in joke" Blasphemy, Blasphemy" Some of the screenshots are made available by the petitioner at http://picasaweb.google.co.in/agniveer/SitaSingsTheBlues , http://www.esnips.com/web/sita-sings-the-blues and http://www.satyavidya.org/downloads/cat_view/56-protect-culture/57-sita-sings-the-blues . We demand complete ban on the movie and initiation of legal action against all those who have been involved in production and marketing of this derogatory act against the entire Hindu community of world.