sky go for jailbroke iDevices

IT IS WRONG THAT SKY GO IS NOT AVAILABLE ON A JAILBROKE iDEVICE. I spoke to sky and asked them why it was not available to coustomers who have jailbroke their devices. They said jailbreaking is illegal. i pointed out to them that jailbreaking was not illegal, only downloading pirate apps is and that the vast majority of people who jailbreak do not do this. I also pointed out that you still need a active sky account to view sky go. So help me convince Sky that we who jailbreak deserve the right to view a service that we are paying for. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP SKY GO FOR ALL !!!!!!!!!!!
LET'S KEEP THIS GOING. Join the conversation on the new facebook and twitter page.
Lets get sky to recognise us. share this link.