Skylight Board Must Reconsider Their Actions

We, the undersigned, wish to express our love of Skylight Opera and wish it continued success in the future. To that end, we demand the Skylight Opera Board of Directors immediately reconsider the restructuring of the organization. We believe the move is short-sighted, undermines the integrity of the organization, and was handled in a way that has destroyed the trust and goodwill this venerable institution has built up with the community--the subscribers, donors (both personal and corporate), patrons, employees, contractors, and artists--who support and are the lifeline of the Skylight. We demand transparency and accountability from the Board and Management who have failed to articulate the necessity, the benefits, and the impact of the change. We demand answers to why this was communicated so poorly and why a plan that appears to have such great conflict of interest and very little support from the stakeholders was allowed to move forward. ================================= Additionally, please join us on June 19, 2009 at 7:30am at the Skylight (158 N Broadway, Milwaukee WI) to celebrate Skylight and to show our love for this great institution!