Snider Plaza Development

On August 16th, UP City Council is considering a re-zoning request from Strode Development for the Chase Bank property on the south end of Snider Plaza The CUP wants to know how the community feels about the proposed zoning changes. Our neighborhood team agreed to reach out to you to let you know about this and to give you a chance to be heard.
- Enormity: At 120' high, this is taller than a 10 story office building, this is twice the size of the current structure, towering high above SMU and Snider Plaza (see picture)
- Bigger Parking Problem: Too few and too expensive parking spaces will worsen, not improve, Snider Plaza's parking problems. A 30-40' high concrete wall on Haynie residential block is not fitting for our neighborhood
- Environmental Damage: Mirrored glass structure similar to Museum Tower
- Traffic Nightmare: Dramatically increased traffic and safety issues for Snider Plaza, our school children and streets.
- Building Boom: Establishes a bad precedent for tall, dense future buildings for all future developments in UP
If you object to any of the above zoning changes, please let the City know by electronically signing this petition.
A better solution for the development and UP citizens is available! If the City rejects these zoning changes, there will be a way to create a new city park and a real parking solution for Snider Plaza while still allowing for an appropriately sized building.
In order for your position to be counted, please include your UP street address in the comments section and sign petition by August 15th, 5pm.
We welcome your questions and comments: sniderplazaneighbors@gmail.com
In addition, feel free to contact Patrick Baugh, Community Development Director for CUP @ 214-987-5423 with any questions for the City.
Thank you for participating,
UP Citizens Committed to Neighborhood Friendly Development