Join SI-Solidarity with Iran Campaign

SI - Solidarity with Iran! Appeal
A project of House of Latin America - Iran
House of Latin America (HOLA), an Iranian NGO in Iran, dedicated to solidarity and defense of the peoples of Latin America and the people of Iran, has initiated the following appeal to individuals and organizations world-wide to join with them in a campaign of solidarity with Iran, in light of U.S. escalating threats and continuing sanctions.
American Iranian Friendship Committee (AIFC), working closely with HOLA, calls on social justice organizations and individuals to join with them to support and strengthen this campaign. Hola's Full Statement: (website, under construction, is www.SI-SolidaridadIran.org).
Whereas, the escalating sanctions and threats of military intervention against Iran are intended to deprive the Iranian people of their internationally recognized right to live as an independent and free nation;
Whereas, the sanctions and threats are clear violations of Article 2 of the UN Charter, according to which member states must "refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state";
Whereas, the United States is unequivocally obligated under the bilateral 1981 Algiers Treaty to refrain from interfering in the internal affairs of Iran;
Whereas. sanctions often pave the way to war;
Whereas, Iran, as a signatory of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, has an "inalienable right" to develop and use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes;
Whereas, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, there is no evidence to back up the charge that Iran is "planning to produce nuclear weapons";
Whereas, the hegemonic lobbies that portray Iran as a threat to peace today also lied about imaginary weapons of mass destruction in Iraq to convince the public that war was necessary;
The people of the world cannot allow such a crime against humanity.
Therefore, I (We) join with all who stand for justice, peace, sovereignty and self determination in raising my (our) voice to demand:
- Lift economic sanctions against Iran.
- Recognize the right of Iran to develop and use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
- Stop military threats against Iran.
SI - Solidarity with Iran!
We urge all organizations to place this Statement and Link on their websites: www.SI-SolidaridadIran.org
SI - Solidarity with Iran! Appeal
A project of House of Latin America - Iran
A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition (Act Now To Stop War and End Racism)
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