Sony’s Ultimatum
Sony’s Ultimatum Dear Sony, We the fans of Mr. Michael J. Jackson are expressing our displeasure with the farce of release that has been broadcast on of “Breaking News.” We believe the recording is either not Michael Jackson or the vocals have been deliberately or negligently altered or compressed to hide the vibrant, magnificent quality of his voice. We furthermore are planning and preparing for a full scale boycott of ALL Sony products enlisting our friends and relatives in pursuit of our endeavors. As fans and supporters of Mr. Jackson’s we are determined to uphold his legacy. His not being amongst us will not prevent us from defending his musical works; rather will cause us to persevere all the more in upholding his musical empire. We therefore demand that you allow Michael’s family and a small explicit group of select fans to review all material that is planned for the Michael CD immediately and that release of such cannot proceed until approval of has been authorized by Michael’s family and representatives of his fans. You are individuals of a company looking to market a product but we are the market in which you seek to pursue. Please be advised should this formal request be taken lightly, delayed or disregarded we shall start the process against you and immediately through a series of projected steps: 1. Inform and recruit members of Michael’s fan base to NOT purchase ANY Sony products including the Michael CD. 2. Expand our efforts to enlist the assistance of our family and friends. 3. Expand our recruitment to the general public by dispersing verified negative information concerning Sony, including faulty products and deceptive tactics while simultaneously bolstering the comparable quality and lesser expensive products of Sony competitors. 4. We shall add on and pursue any additional methods as thought of and deemed necessary throughout our boycott campaign . Sincerely Yours, Sharon B. Sidney On behalf of the undersigned: