Not without us!

Montreal, May 28 2009 This petition is addressed to representatives of la Societe de Developpement Angus (SDA), officials of the Ville de Montreal also with l'Office de consultation publique de Montreal (OCPM) and to conseil du Patrimoine de Montreal NOT WITHOUT US! Together for the revitalization of the Quadrilatere Saint-Laurent in the Quartier des Spectacles de Montreal! We want: - recognition of the existence and preservation of the rights of the Coalition of Artists of the Cabaret Cleopatre who currently work in the Quadrilatere Saint-Laurent of the Quartier des Spectacles de Montreal - develop the strengths of the Coalition of the Artists of the Cabaret Cleopatre together with the soul and the arts of the Quadrilatere Saint-Laurent in the Quartier des Spectacles de Montreal - integrate the participation of the Coalition of the Artists of the Cabaret Cleopatre in the project of reconstruction and revitalization of the Quadrilatere Saint-Laurent in the Quartier des Spectacles as presented by the SDA Our approach aims to: - PRESERVING THE SOUL AND THE ARTISTIC APPROACH working steadily at Cabaret Cleopatre since 2004, - ENFORCE OUR ASSETS in synergy with the effort to revitalize the Quadrilatere Saint-Laurent in the area designated as the Quartier des Spectacles, - ENGAGE DIRECT AND POSITIVE COMMUNICATION with the SDA as well as various corporate, cultural and heritage levels, that govern the site, - INTEGRATING AND PROVIDING AN ADDED VALUE to the project of reconstruction and revitalization of the Quadrilatere Saint-Laurent in the Quartier des Spectacles as proposed by the SDA, - ASSURE THE SURVIVAL AND GROWTH of the artistic movement and this, together with the mission of the District of Red Light of Montreal, Our expectations: - A temporary relocation plan defined by the SDA in accordance with the various corporate, cultural and heritage levels, sites that govern so as to maintain the existing working conditions with the Cabaret Cleopatre, - The relocation plan must consider any loss of enjoyment of the premises (Cabaret Cleopatre) both in terms of space and practice space and for free expression of alternative art, - The relocation plan must also consider the social impact on the hundreds of people who regularly attend various shows and events that are presented, - Rehabilitation of artists in the new development of the Quadrilatere Saint-Laurent will be done quickly after the end of the work and with working conditions and enjoyment of the premises (Cabaret Cleopatre) equal to or greater than those existing, - Stakeholders governing places (SDA, bearings corporate, cultural and heritage) will allocate an equitable and fair compensation to ensure the survival of the Coalition of Artists Cabaret Cleopatre. The issue: - Human: respect for the soul, desire, creativity and free expression of art of the artists of the Cabaret Cleopatre currently working in the Quadrilatere Saint-Laurent - Moral recognition of acquired rights and cultural heritage for the artists of the Quadrilatere Saint-Laurent, people who pursue their profession and clients who meet there, - Social: reconciling the cultural vocation of the Quartier des Spectacles and the construction of a building designed primarily for administrative concerns. Our tools: - Support of the public - Media attention, - Our commitment to artistic expression, - Our creativity and our will to participate actively to the revitalization plan of Quadrilatere Saint-Laurent