Achub Spillers Records..... Save Spillers Records

Petition to Save the World\'s Oldest Record Shop - Spillers Records We the undersigned recognise the importance of the world\'s oldest record shop - Spillers Records, founded in Cardiff in 1894 and believe that every effort should be made to preserve its presence at its current location at the Hayes in Cardiff. We call on the landowners, Helical Bar to acknowledge that Spillers Records is an asset to Cardiff\'s city centre and part of our musical heritage and to reflect this view by charging an affordable rent to safeguard its future. Deiseb i Achub Siop Recordiau Hynaf y Byd - Spillers Records Drwy lofnodi\'r ddeiseb hon, rydym yn cydnabod pwysigrwydd siop recordiau hynaf y byd - Spillers Records, a sefydlwyd yn 1894. Rydym yn credu y dylid ymdrechu i gadw\'r siop yn ei lleoliad presennol ar yr Aes yng Nghaerdydd. Rydym yn gal war berchnogion y safle, Helical Bar, i gydnabod bod Spillers Records yn ased i ganol dinas Caerdydd ac yn rhan o\'n treftadaeth gerddorol ac i adlewyrchu hynny drwy godi rhent rhesymol er mwyn sicrhau dyfodol y siop. Petition raised by Owen John Thomas AM - Plaid Cymru (South Wales Central)