People's Choice Awards Snubs Supernatural

I was one of the many people to watch the People’s Choice Awards last night. While a few things were great about the show, overall I was pretty disappointed. I want to start out by saying that I thought Kaley Cuoco did an amazing job hosting the show. I also thought her skit with her Big Bang Theory cast was cute and a good introduction. Other than that, I was not impressed by the show.
First, there were way too many commercials. I understand that commercials are what fund the awards show and allow it to air, but I really feel as if I watched more commercials than I did awards show. The five minute long “commercial” for the new CVS Pharmacy Beauty Club program was ridiculous. We viewers could have seen a lot more awards given on the show if there had been fewer commercials. I almost feel like I wasted my time watching the awards ceremony because I barely saw anything except for advertising.
Along those same lines, I am a huge fan of the television show Supernatural. I run a Supernatural fan site and am dedicated to watching the show every Friday. I am one of the thousands of fans worldwide who spends my hard earned money to attend Supernatural conventions and spend time with the amazing actors who are a part of the show. We fans worked extremely hard to get the show on the ballot for the People’s Choice Awards. Once we succeeded and they were on the ballot, we voted for them like we always do… with fury. We all believe that Supernatural deserves some sort of recognition as it is an amazing show with incredibly generous and thoughtful actors, directors, producers, and so on. I was ecstatic, and somewhat confused, when I heard the announcer say that Supernatural won in both of the categories in which it had been nominated. I was confused because I thought that the winner for Favorite Network TV Drama would be announced during the show and not on the red carpet. When the video acceptance speech given by Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles was aired, I was even more confused because Jared had previously tweeted if the show won in either category they would be there to accept the award. I raised this question to another fan who replied they were probably filming the show and could not get to California to accept their awards. While this was a possibility, the answer still did not feel right. Supernatural finally won an award on a televised awards show and the directors, producers, and everyone else involved did not want them to get the recognition they deserved? I don’t think so.
Imagine my surprise when I woke this morning to a tweet from Clif Kosterman who is Jared and Jensen’s bodyguard. He tweeted that the reason the guys were not there is because they were not even invited to the ceremony. I am flabbergasted! Other than How I Met Your Mother, Supernatural won more awards than any other show or movie. According to an article on aceshobiz.com, Supernatural dominated the awards show, yet the stars were not invited to accept their awards? I am very disappointed that they were not invited. Let me rephrase that. They WERE invited, but they were told, "Hey, you won for Favorite Network TV drama... an award that is ALWAYS aired live... but we're not going air your win live." Jared and Jensen should have been allowed to get the recognition and praise they deserved. We fans should have been able to see them dressed up and on stage since we voted to see exactly that. I noticed many actors and actresses in the audience who were not even nominated for anything and yet were invited to the show, but the two main actors from a television series which won two awards were not.
I hope you think about this for future awards shows as the PEOPLE are who vote and make this awards show work… and this person is not happy! We signers of this petition demand a public apology to all of Supernatural's actors, directors, crew, and fans!
Crystal Kemper
Founder - www.Supernatural-Fandom.com
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