Get SPORE out on the Macintosh on the normal launch date...

Please sign this petition to have the PC game \"SPORE\" published for the Macintosh platform at the same time it is for Windows. Maxis; the creators of Sim City, The Sims, and now \"SPORE\"; had long had a great publishing history on the Macintosh until its acquisition by Electronic Arts. The EA corporation does not publish games for Macintosh because they believe that the Macintosh market is too small to generate a profit from any one game. This is an attempt to show the company that we Macintosh users can still be avid gamers. What better way than with what may be the greatest game concept of all time. For those of you who do not know what \"SPORE\" is I will give a brief overview of the game play. I would also suggest visiting the official spore website (linked at the right) and going to Google Video to download Will Wright\'s presentation at the Game Developers Conference. Summary: \"SPORE\" is the culmination of years of work and creative vision by Will Wright and his home company, Maxis. It combines all of the game play elements of the past \"Sim\" games developed by the studio as well as bringing in many new ones, creating the ultimate \"God Game.\" In the basic structure, you begin life as a microbe. You guide your small creature in a \"Pac-man like\" world, helping it eat and avoid predators. Once you gain enough evolution points by eating smaller microbes you are presented with a creature editor. This allows you to evolve your creature by adding new abilities. The game continues like this, letting you evolve your creature up through the food chain. Eventually you will have your creature evolve into intelligent life. At this point the game begins morph into more of a Real Time Strategy game. Maintaining the same level of customization, you provide your creatures with tools, housing, and recreation. Eventually your goal is to help them form a civilization. And create cities. Now the game becomes more like Sim City. You construct buildings and roads all while trying to keep your creatures happy. The goal here is too develop vehicles that allow you to interact with other far off cities. Now the game becomes more like Risk. You battle with other species on your planet to gain total control. You can also choose more diplomatic methods and gain allies in your neighbors. At this level the ultimate goal is gain the ability of space travel. Now you begin to see the game\'s true brilliance, for as you travel away from your home planet you can see hundreds of thousands of others just waiting to be explored, populated, and conquered. I urge you to see the video demonstration, as my own words do not do the game justice. Thank you for viewing this petition, and hopefully signing it. Please link this to other Macintosh users and \"SPORE\" fans. Have a nice day. Edit 1: Due to a number of multiple posts I am now restricting this petition by E-Mail Address. Edit 2: Please keep your comments mature and appropriate. No swearing or put downs toward PC users or anyone else for that matter.