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Srbiji treba Međunarodni radio!

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Prijatelji i slušaoci Međunarodnog Radija Srbija (Radio Jugoslavije) pokreću ovu peticiju za sprečavanje gašenja ovog značajnog medija za Srbiju. Dolepotpisani zahtevaju od Predsednika Vlade Srbije da poništi odluku Vlade i lično razgovara sa zaposlenima. Zahtevamo da se gašenje ovog medija zaustavi i da Srbija napokon počne da razmišlja o svom prisustvu u svetskim medijima i značaju kratkog talasa i svih ostalih medija koje Međunarodni Radio Srbija pokriva (kratki talas, internet, video i audio vesti, live stream).
Posle neuspešnih pregovora zaposlenih u Radio Jugoslaviji (Međunarodni Radio Srbija) sa Ministarstvom kulture i informisanja, Vlada Republike Srbije donela je odluku da se Međunarodni Radio Srbija UGASI najkasnije 31. jula 2015. Amandmani, kojima su parlamentarne stranke tražile produžetak finansiranja do 31. oktobra, kako bi se za to vreme pronašlo rešenje za jedinu državnu KT stanicu – nisu dobili podršku ni Vlade, ni Skupštine Srbije..
Vlada Srbije (a od kako se država više ne zove Jugoslavija, promenilo se i nekoliko vlada i vladajućih stranaka) već više od dve decenije ima problem i ne shvata značaj postojanja medija kao što je Međunarodni Radio Srbija. Zahvaljujući nemaru upravo Vlade Srbije, radio još uvek nosi ime Radio Jugoslavija.
Međunarodni Radio Srbija (Radio Jugoslavija) je jedina radio-difuzna stanica u zemlji koja preko kratkih talasa emituje program u sve delove sveta i 79 godina afirmiše državnu politiku, privredu, kulturu, tradiciju Srbije u svetu. Emitujući program putem kratkog talasa i interneta (www.glassrbije.org i www.voiceofserbia.org), na srpskom i još jedanaest jezika, ova medijska kuća je osam decenija nezvanični portal države Srbije, koji pokriva svih pet kontinenata. Taj vid neformalne diplomatije je i danas nezamenljiv kanal predstavljanja zemlje na najpozitivniji način. O tome svedoči i podatak da se njega nisu odrekle ni druge, mnogo značajnije zemlje, pa modernizuju i unapređuju rad sličnih stanica - Deutche Welle, BBC World Service, VOA, Glas Rusije... Ili kao zemlje u okruženju, poput Slovenije, članice EU, koja je svoj radio proglasila za glasilo od nacionalnog interesa.
Brojni slušaoci širom sveta, ali i ambasade Srbije u svetu i strane ambasade u Beogradu, Međunarodni radio Srbija ocenjuju kao relevantan i pouzdan izvor informacija o Srbiji. Za pripadnike dijaspore je nezamenjiva veza sa maticom.
Inače, Međunarodni Radio Srbija je jedna od najstarijih kratkotalasnih radio stanica, a osnovan je šest godina pre Glasa Amerike. Emitovanje programa za inostranstvo počelo je 8. marta 1936. godine u Kraljevini Jugoslaviji.
Serbia needs a world service!
The friends and listeners of the International Radio Serbia – Radio Yugoslavia have initiated this petition to prevent the extinguishing of this media house, important for Serbia. The people signed below ask of the Serbian Prime Minister to abolish the government’s decision and that he personally talks to the employees. We demand that the extinguishing of this radio be stopped and that Serbia finally starts pondering its presence among the global media and the importance of shortwave broadcasting, along with all other media outlets that the International Radio Serbia is using (internet, video and audio newscasts, live stream).
After the failed negotiations between the employees of the Radio Yugoslavia - International Radio Serbia and the Ministry of culture and Information, the Serbian Government has made decision to extinguish the International Radio Serbia by 31 July 2015 at the latest. The amendments that some of the parliamentary parties had suggested in asking for the extension of the financing by October 31, in order to find a solution for the only shortwave station in the country in the meantime, were not met with understanding in either the Government or in the Serbian Assembly.
The Serbian Government (including several different ruling parties and governments since the country has not been called Yugoslavia) for more than two decades is unable to understand the significance of having a media house such as the International Radio Serbia. It is owing to the negligence of the Serbian Government that we still carry the name Radio Yugoslavia.
The International Radio Serbia is the only radio station in the country that broadcasts program on the shortwave frequency, reaching all parts of the world, and for 79 years has been the promoter of the state policies, economy, culture, and traditions. Through the broadcasts on the short waves and via internet (www.glassrbije.org and www.voiceofserbia.org ) in Serbia and another eleven languages, this media house has been the unofficial portal of the state of Serbia for eight decades, covering all five continents. This kind of informal diplomacy is today an irreplaceable avenue of country’s promotion in the most positive manner. It is confirmed by the fact that other, much bigger countries, have not renounced on their world services, so they are modernizing and improving the work of similar media – Deutsche Welle, BBC World Service, Voice of America, Voice of Russia – as do some countries in the region, like Slovenia, an EU member that declared their radio for the media of national importance.
Numerous listeners around the world, as well as the Serbian embassies abroad and foreign embassies in Serbia, have assessed the International Radio Serbia as a relevant and reliable source of information about Serbia. For the members of Serbian Diaspora, it is an irreplaceable tie with the homeland.
It is worth reminding that the International Radio Serbia is one of the oldest shortwave radio stations, founded six years before the Voice of America. It started broadcasting on 8 March 1936, in the then Kingdom of Yugoslavia.