Stand with Dave Agema for Conservative Values in Michigan
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DearFellow Conservative -
A couple of days ago I posted on Facebook a piece written by Frank Joseph, MD, that articulated his views regarding problems with homosexuality and the homosexual lobby. The Family Research Council has also published a report that offered somewhat similar conclusions to many of the issues he raised. I didn't write hispiece, however I do think that it is relevant for the discussion regarding gay marriage that is happening across the country right now.
First, I didn't write these words, I simply posted them. More importantly, I will not back down. I will dig in and fight even harder to defend our conservative values from these attacks by liberals in the media, and even in our own party.
I will stand strong in my resolvein support of the family, and uncompromising in my belief that marriage should be between one man and one woman. Some politicians who seem to make their decisions based on polling rather than principle have wavered in their opposition to gay marriage in recent weeks. I will not waver in my opposition to gay marriage, regardless of who calls for my resignation or chooses to engage in this fight.
I believe we should vigorously defend the platform that all national convention delegates voted for last September - that marriage is between one man and one woman, without compromise.
I was elected by you, the Conservative grassroots base of the party, to stand up for conservative values in the face of pressure from liberal, moderate and establishment Republicans. Now that other liberal Republicans have chosen to come after me, it is important that I can show strong support from the grassroots base of the party who have supported me.
Will you join me in signing this petition to show Chairman Schostak and others that you support my efforts to stand up for conservative values?
With your help, we will make sure that other political leaders maintain their resolve in the face of liberal attacks and won't back down when it is time to fight.
Thank you for your consideration and everything you do to help make our party a more Conservative party, and for standing on our principles.
Republican National Committeeman Dave Agema