Stand with the Episcopal Church for Marriage Equality

The Episcopal Church has been firmly and unequivocally on record in support of civil marriage equality since July 2012 when its 77th General Convention adopted Resolution D018 entitled "End Discrimination Against Same-Sex Marriage."
On April 28, 2015 when the Supreme Court hears oral arguments on four marriage equality cases, the Episcopal Church will be standing with nearly 2000 clergy and faith leaders who signed the amicus brief which began with these words: "Brief for amici curiae President of the House of Deputies of the Episcopal Church and the Episcopal Bishops of Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee."
"No religion's belief or practice should be allowed to restrict the rights of people to marry and receive equal protection under the law," said the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, President of the House of Deputies when the brief was filed. “It is long past time to end any kind of discrimination against God’s children in this country.”
We stand for equal protection that equally protects all Americans. We stand for an end to discrimination against the marriages of same-sex couples and for a Protect Marriage Movement that protects ALL marriages.. We stand with the Episcopal Church for marriage equality.