Consumers United Against Starhub Cable Price Hike

Dear Consumers, This is THE time we, the consumers, stand UNITED and send a strong message to monopolistic businesses and instituitions in Singapore, which constantly subject us to price hikes and unfair business practices. These are the following reasons on where we stand and why YOU should sign on this petition: 1. Starhub\'s terms and conditions are unfair and baised against the consumer. We should be allowed avenues to terminate the contract in the event of price hike, without incurring penalties. 2. New price hike should apply to new sign-ups only, and NOT to consumers with existing contracts. 3. Cable TV market should be freed up and made easy for new entrants to provide alternative programme choices ie. via satellite dish, for the consumers. Existing program groups should also be broken down into smaller ones and more pay-per-view programs be introduced. 4. CASE has so far produced disappointing results in cases where it faced-off with big institutions, especially those with governmental links ie. public transport price hike, GST increase, utilities price increase, HDB season parking rate hike etc . Not only are we standing united to pressure Starhub, we are also pressuring CASE to take a stronger stance against these institutions, in view of the long-term interest of Singapore\'s consumers. -------------------------------------- INSTEAD OF ENGAGING IN COFFEE-SHOP-STYLED COMPLAINTS WHICH YIELD NO TANGIBLE RESULTS, YOU CAN BE PART OF SINGAPORE\'S CONSUMERS ACTION AGAINST UNFAIR BUSINESS PRACTICES! Your SUPPORT is important and will go a long way in affecting change in the way monopolistic entities and big instituitions work. Besides signing up for this petition, here are some other things you can DO: 1. Invite your friends and like-minded people to sign on the petition. 2. Make a complaint call/email/fax to starhub: Number to call: 1633; Online Email feedback: www.starhub.com.sg; fax:6725 1603 3. Give CASE a call to lend support for their inquiry into starhub\'s price hike. Number to call:6463 1811, Email:complaints@case.org.sg 4. Finally, we urge all Starhub cable TV subscribers to continue paying the current rate for their subscribtion and ignore the price hike until Starhub has given us, the consumers, a satisfactory response to our complaints. Downgrading your cable TV plans, terminating your contracts are are also strongly encouraged as a way to get the message across. Act NOW, Unite & Stand Firm! [PS:We had sent in our protest letter to CASE (cc: MDA, IDA, Mica, PMO, Straitstimes, Today) and is awaiting their response to our complaints. Will contintue to update you guys on the progress. In the meantime, pls continue to take action as per outlined in the above petition.Thank you once again for your support!] \"The truth may not always win, but it is always RIGHT. Petition - Is Our Sacred Right.\" ------------------------------------------- LETTER TO PMO & PM Lee Dear PMO (cc PM Lee), This is on behalf of like-minded consumers of Singapore (http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/starhub_price_hike/index.html) who are totally disgusted with the monopolistic behaviour of Starhub which had announced its price hike recently. Despite our numerous appeals to CASE, MDA and CCS, their hands are either tied or that they are unwilling to stand up against a govt-linked corporation. As such, we had no choice but to raise this issue to the PM Office. It\'s fairly simple: How can a contract be fair and unbiased if a business enitity is able to raise its prices unilaterally A consumer enters into a contract based on the understanding that the agreed price will stay throughout its contract term. Apparently, this is not the case for Starhub\'s contract. We urge the PMO to take the lead and effect the necessary changes, and set an appropriate example for other monopolistic companies which are planning similar schemes. (PS: pls note that this email will be separately sent to all petitioners with valid emails and posted onto the online petition) regards, D Yan