Peter Garrett - Step Up or Step Down - Petition.

We are calling for Peter Garrett to uphold his election promises or stand down from Australian politics. Garrett was to become president of the Australian Conservation Foundation while selling thousands of albums that covered everything from land rights to corporate greed to US foreign policy, nuclear dangers and environmental catastrophe. Australians believed Garrett when he stated on September 18, 2007 `We will enforce Australian law banning the slaughter of whales in the Australian Whale Sanctuary', and `Labor has the guts to stand up to the Japanese whalers'. We believed Garrett was a man of integrity, who had loudly vocalised environmental and human injustices. On the 20/2/09 Australian Federal Police seized all footage of illegal whaling by Japanese from The Steve Irwin, a Sea Shepherd vessel. The only explanation for this seizure thus far is to 'avoid further embarassment to the Japanese' for their illegal activities. Since becoming a minister, he has approved the expansion of a uranium mine and the dredging of a sensitive bay and provided support to a pulp mill. A government should be respectful of the integrity of its people. This petition will be served to Peter Garrett with the voices of Australians and international supporters behind it, stating 'we demand you fulfil your election and personal promises to the Australian people or step down from Australian politics'.