Support a Whistleblower

As a community, it behooves us to care about what our members do – to praise the good and redress the bad. We occupy a delicate space in the public arena, where most people believe that there must be other life in the universe but are hard pressed to accept that we are in contact with any of it. Whatever impinges on our credibility is an impediment to our mission to open people’s eyes to evidence of visitation. The lawsuit Steve Bassett has filed against Suzanne Taylor is a threat to us. See http://theconversation.org/steve-bassett-saga-part-two. The aggressor is suing his victim for blowing the whistle on what he has done to her. He has offered to withdraw the suit if she writes a check for $26,000 and issues an apology that exonerates him from any transgressions. In the meantime, while suing Suzanne for slander, he is slandering her, telling people in person and in email that she is difficult and disturbed. We are outraged at this perpetration for the harm it does to her and could do to our whole community, with Bassett most recently assuming the role of spokesperson for all of us in petitions for disclosure he has filed with the government. The undersigned request that Stephen Bassett withdraw his lawsuit against Suzanne Taylor.