Stop CVS at State and 16th in Boise!!!

People of Boise and all of the Treasure Valley, let's unite with our signatures to stop the proposed CVS pharmacy at 1625 W. State Street. (CUP17-00072)
This 15,000-foot CVS would be an oversized eyesore with lots of unsightly asphalt for parking -- an ugly monstrosity of congestion and smog and noise intruding against a lovely historic neighborhood at the gateway to downtown Boise -- the type of project that threatens our city at its core, and so is a danger to all of the region.
We, the undersigned, firmly intend to oppose at the voting booth any local government official who does not strongly oppose this CVS project -- and to encourage all of our neighbors to do the same.
We also firmly intend to boycott any CVS that would be built at this location, and then also all CVS stores everywhere -- and to encourage our family and friends to do the same throughout America.
Thus, with our votes and dollars, we take a stand against this CVS project as an example of uglification that benefits only a tiny few to the detriment and distress of the very many who live in and around Boise.
For more information, please check out facebook.com/vanishingboise.
Together, in solidarity, we are determined to keep Boise very much as it is -- a hometown that is uniquely beautiful and accessible to the common person.