Stop e ticket companies and touts exploiting us all

Having found out that Wilko Johnsons last farewell tour was being exploited by e ticket companies, touts and greedy "entrepreneurs" I wish to stop these people exploiting the general public, musicians, venues and agents. Wilko has terminal cancer and is doing one last farewell tour in MARCH. All of these venues have had mulitple ticket sales bought by companies and are reselling them for outrageous profits. For example, one ticket at The Robin 2, Bilston, Wolverhampton would have cost just £17.50, Viagogo are selling the same ticket for £167.25. This is just sickening. My aim is to gather as many signatures as possible and present the petition to the government/media to ban companies from this disgusting behaviour and create other "fairtrade" companies that will resell tickets for people that cannot make that gig for personal reasons at the ticket face value plus postage. They can generate profits by advertising gigs on their websites. This behaviour cannot continue, or at least, must be realised and advertised so that the musicians, venue owners, agents/managers etc cannot be exploited in a situation like this again. If you wish to visit my facebook page to see a copy of the letter I have sent The Guardian please feel free to do so https://www.facebook.com/shiftychickenshed. Thank you for reading this.