Stop the secret border deal between Ethiopia and Sudan

We demand the unconditional nullification of the secret border deal that the dictatorial government of Ethiopia and the Sudan have recently been hatching.
With this just-concluded secret deal between the President of the Sudan and the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, huge swathes of our ancestral lands will be ceded to the Sudan. These reports have been received with utter shock, resentment and anger by Ethiopians at home and abroad.
Neither the current generation of Ethiopians nor those of future generations will allow the deal to stand for it constitutes a serious violation of the treaty regime set up at the turn of the century and holds for naught the sacrifices of past generations of Ethiopians to preserve the territorial integrity of their country. We wish to add that thousands of Ethiopian people will be forced to lose their homes, farms and investments if the border deal is implemented without their participation and consent.
The border deal of today hatched by unelected elites will be the ticking bomb of tomorrow. Since it has neither support in law nor received the consent of the Ethiopian people, it will fester as a major source of friction and tension between the brotherly peoples of Ethiopia and the Sudan.
The current extremely narrowly- based government in Ethiopia and the government of the Sudan are grasping at straws by using the border deal as a way of ensuring their political survival by a mutual exchange of promises foreswearing the use of their territories by organized movements seeking to overthrow their respective governments. This survival instinct underlies the parties’ desire to make a border deal and to keep it from public scrutiny without consideration of its impact on the people of Ethiopia.
We want to go on record as asserting our right to territorial sovereignty as defined by treaty – and not any other agreement that is reached behind the back of the Ethiopian people. We reserve the right t o not honor any boundary that results from the agreement of an unelected and unrepresentative government that is devoid of any support or legitimacy among its own people.
We totally and unequivocally reject this secret deal.
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Ethiopian People's Congress for United Struggle (Shengo)
The result of this petition accompanied by a protest letter will be sent to:
H.E Mr. Ban Ki-Moon
United Nations Secretary General