Stop sign needed 22nd Street& 7th Avenue - Brooklyn

Dear Community Board 7,
Residents in the Greenwood Heights neighborhood have organized a petition requesting a stop sign for southbound traffic at the intersection of 7th Avenue and 22nd Street. Community Board 7 supported the request and sent a letter to the Department of Transportation requesting a stop sign. In the petition we states that without prompt action we felt an accident was inevitable. Unfortunately that request was denied by the DOT.
Last week a pedestrian was hit by a car at that intersection. As concerned citizens we request that a stop sign and additional traffic calming measures (such as daylighting) be put in place immediately before another accident occurs.
day scores of children walking to and from nearby schools are at risk
of being hit by speeding cars at this blind intersection with no stop
sign and no crossing guard. Let's work together to prevent a tragedy.
Thank you.