Stop the bad working conditiond at Nike factories
haleigh cushman 0

Stop the bad working conditiond at Nike factories

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haleigh cushman 0 Comments
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The working conditions in the garment industry are people getting killed

because there boss did not follow the rules of the building."In April, a

building in Bangladesh collapsed, killing 1,127 workers and injuring

about 2,500 others. ...Investigators later discovered that the

building’s owner had illegally added extra floors and allowed the

companies inside to install heavy equipment tat the building wasn’t

strong enough to support.". i used this quote because is shows how much

the boss does not care about the workers. another example from a website

called Nike workers 'kicked, slapped and verbally abused'

is "One worker at the Taiwanese-operated Pou Chen plant in Sukabumi said

she was kicked by a supervisor last year after making a mistake while

cutting rubber for soles." I chose this one because that slapped her for

no reason.

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