Stop the Common Core Initiative in Louisiana

Concern(Ed) Parents Protecting
Dreams of their children.
We are NOT misinformed.
We know what the (CCSSI)Common Core State Standard Initiative is and we REJECT it!
This Initiative of reforms includes untested standards, privacy issues created through data mining, unconstitutional mandates for adherence to a national curriculum and a standardized test (PARCC).
All are in direct violation of the rights of parents in the State of Louisiana. According to the Louisiana Children's Code Preamble: "Parents have the paramount right to raise their children in accordance with their own values and traditions; that parents should make the decisions regarding the educational, moral, ethical, and religioustraining of the child."
We will NOT SUPPORT any
elected official that continues
to support the Common Core State Standard Initiative,with votes or
Therefore, wedemand Governor Jindaland the State Board of Elementary andSecondary Education withdraw from the CCSSI and its PARCC testingconsortium.
Concern(Ed) Parent,
citizen of Louisiana and VOTER.