STOP The Harper Government in Changing the Copyright!

Dear Mr. Harper
Professional Photographers and Professional Photography Organizations have worked extremely hard for proper copyright laws to be put in place that would properly reflect the professional photographer. We ask that you please rescind this amendment!
Thank you
We are adding a link on what Rick Mercer says!
News Release - 10/09/2014
An internal Conservative cabinet document obtained by CTV News details an amendment to the Copyright Act which would allow “free use of ‘news’ content in political advertisement intended to promote or oppose a politician or political party.”
The amendment would also remove “the need for broadcasters to authorize the use of their news content.” And it would force media outlets to run political ads even if their own footage and content was used in a negative message to voters.
The internal document warns that media outlets will vehemently claim their work is being unfairly targeted for the benefit of political parties. The document provides instructions to Conservatives to come up with a strong communication plan to manage the reaction.
The proposed legislation is buried in the latest instalment of the omnibus bill, which is sure to pass in the House of Commons, given the Conservative majority. The bill will be introduced in the coming weeks.
Opposition parties say sneaking in a change to the Copyright Act in the massive bill is “deceitful” and designed to give the Conservative campaign an edge ahead of next year’s federal election.
“Changing copyright law … to improve their odds of winning over the Canadian public as opposed to improving copyright law to improve the economy, let’s say, is disrespectful,” NDP finance critic Nathan Cullen told CTV News.