Stop the Tribal Trails & South Park Loop Connector Road

Teton County Wyoming Residents:
Please sign this petition to stop the Tribal Trails South Park Loop Connector Road for the following reasons:
1). Child Safety - Teton County has not analyzed the impact of 9,000-13,000 cars/day flooding 6 local schools who educate 2,000+ students. Every car entering Tribal Trails Connector will have to transit (at a minimum) one school zone.
2). Athlete Safety - Teton County has not analyzed the impact of 9,000-13,000 cars/day entering the areas of Middle and High School roads where thousands of athletes (many of whom are children) are participating in sports each and every day on 15 athletic fields.
3). Environmental Impact - Constructing Tribal Trails Connector will require the new road to transit an environmental wetland and primary elk, mule deer, moose, and bald eagle migratory corridor.
Follow us on Facebook (facebook.com/responsiblegrowthjh)
or contact us at responsiblegrowthjh@gmail.com for more information.
Instructions on signing the petition:
1). Write your name.
2). In the comments section please write "Teton County Resident" indicating you are a resident of the County and any comments you would like to make.
3). Share with your Teton County family, friends, colleagues interested in supporting this effort.
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