Stop waiving NCC's UDC requirement for bicycle parking. Update the UDC to APBP-compliant standards and enforce it.

Bicycle parking is a required component of the Unified Development Code,
and is supposed to be installed before receiving a certificate of
occupancy. The latest one we discovered was IHOP, located in the Meadowood
Shopping Center on Kirkwood Highway. First opened in April, there is no
sign of a bicycle rack anywhere in the vicinity.
We also need to update the code language, to reflect the need for APBP compliant bicycle parking (includes wheel and frame support). Newark updated theirs a couple of years ago, and at least in the City, wheelbending "toast" racks should be a thing of the past.
If you know anyone who bikes for transportation, or just for a cup of tea on the weekend and would like secure bike parking at places of business, please have them sign this petition. Thanks!