Worldwide Academics Deplore the Latest Round of Executions of Political Dissidents in Iran
New York USA May 13, 2010 To: The UN Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-Moon; The UN Commissions on Human Rights and Status of Women; The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay; the UN Special Rapporteur against torture, Manfred Nowak; Amnesty International Claudio Cordone and Marcia Poole; the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, Hadi Ghaemi, Executive Director CC: Mr. Ali Khamenehi; IRI Officials and Press Release worldwide.
Ladies and Gentlemen
Execution of political prisoners in Iran The current wave of execution of political prisoners of conscience, as evidenced by the latest hanging of five detainees on Sunday 9th of May 2010 in the notorious Evin prison has once again alarmed the international community about human rights violations in the Islamic Republic of Iran. http://www.bbc.co.uk/persian/iran/2010/05/100509_l01_execution_kamangir.shtml http://balatarin.com/permlink/2010/5/13/2048356The IRI has once again resorted to some of the harshest repressive tactics of curtailing freedoms especially since last June’s infamous presidential elections, in the dire hope of holding its iron grips over the people of Iran. We invite the international agencies such the UN to leverage all necessary measures to hold the rulers of Iran accountable to such violations and executions of political dissidents. We demand governments worldwide to stipulate the pre-condition of safeguarding of human rights and human dignity in all dealings with the Islamic Republic of Iran. We the signatories herein condemn unequivocally the current regime records of human rights violations and indeed all violence inflicted by any political force in Iran. We firmly believe in due process and independent legal representation of the accused, and remain against capital punishment. We strongly believe that the prerequisite context for the long-term solution to current problems in Iran is the renunciation of violence on all sides.
موضوع: اعتراض به اعدام زندانيان سياسی در ايران
موج جديد اعدام زندانيان سياسی و عقيدتی که با به دار کشيده شدن پنج زندانی بازداشتگاه بدنام اوين در روز يکشنبه 19 ارديبشهت 1389 شاهد قوت گرفتن آن هستيم بار ديگر جامعه جهانی را هشدار می دهد تا به موارد نقض حقوق بشر در جمهوری اسلامی ايران توجه بيشتر نشان دهند ( http://www.bbc.co.uk/persian/iran/2010/05/100509_l01_execution_kamangir.shtml جمهوری اسلامی ايران بار ديگر، به ويژه پس از انتخابات رسوای خرداد ماه سال گذشته، به شديدترين نوع سرکوبی و نفی آزادی روی آورده است، با اين انگيزه ناخجسته که مردم ايران را همچنان در مشت آهنين بفشارد. ما سازمانهای بين المللی مانند سازمان ملل متحد را فر می خوانيم تا به هر شيوه لازم حاکمان ايران را در اين تخلفات و اعدامهای دستجمعی مخالفان سياسی مسئول و مقصر بشناسند. از دولتهای جهان مصرّانه می خواهيم تا تأمين و رعايت حقوق بشر و کرامت انسانی را پيش شرط ضروری هر گونه مراوده با جمهوری اسلامی ايران قرار دهند. ما امضاکنندگان، کارنامه اين رژيم را در نقض حقوق بشر و قساوت در رفتار با نيروهای سياسی معارض را به صراحت محکوم می کنيم. اعتقاد راسخ خويش را به رعايت ضوابط حقوقی از مجاری مستقل در حق همه متهمان اعلام می داريم، و بر لغو مجازات اعدام تأکيد می نماييم. به قوت باور داريم که شرط لازم حل مشکلات کنونی در ايران، پرهيز از خشونت از همه طرف است
Signatories: Abghari Siavash, Professor of Finance & Director, Morehouse College, Atlanta, USA Abghari Shahla Professor of Microbiology ,Life University, Atlanta, USA Afshar Ali Professor Polytechnic Institute of NYU, USA Afshar Haleh OBE Professor the Baroness AcSS, Department of Politics, University of York, UK Afshari Reza Professor of History, Pace University, New York, USA Akbari Hamid Audrey Reynolds Distinguished Teaching Professor; North eastern Illinois University, Chicago, Illinois USA Alamdari Kazem Professor of Sociology, California State University, Northridge, USA Baghi Heibatollah Professor of Biostatistics, George Mason University, VA, USA Barati Mehran Free University Berlin-Germany, Research Unit Globalization and Int’l Politics, Germany Bastani Bahar MD Professor of Medicine - Nephrology and Director of kidney transplantation at Saint Louis University, USA Behdad, Sohrab Professor of Economics, Denison University, USA Bina Cyrus Distinguished Research Professor of Economics; University of Minnesota, USA. Boroujerdi Mehrzad Professor, Middle East Institute, Washington Syracuse University, USA;Brigandt Ingo,Assistant Professor, Dept. Of Philosophy, Univ. of Alberta,Canada, Darvishpour Mehrdad Malardalen University ,Sweden Daryaee Touraj Howard Baskerville Professor in the history,University of California, Irvine, CA, USA Farhang Mansour Professor of Political Science, Bennington College, Vermont, USA Farhang Jahanpour Associate Fellow, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford Ganjbakhsh Amir Hossein Senior Investigator, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD ,USA Gorji Ali Professor of Neuroscience Research and Neurophysiology; Munster University, Germany Haghighatjoo Fatemeh Visiting Scholar, Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy, University of Massachusetts Boston, MA, USA Hashemi Nader Assistant Professor of Middle East and Islamic Politics, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver, CO, USA; Hosseini Ali BSc, MSc, PGCE, Lecturer, Writer, Aylesbury Institute, Bucks, UK; Jafari Marzie Professor and Dean; The City University of New York Lehman College, New York, USA Jahanbegloo Ramin Professor, University of Toronto, Canada Kamaly Hossein Fanny de Bary Asst. Professor, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Barnard College, USA Kangarlu, Alayar Professor of Medical Physics, Columbia University and New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, USA Kar Mehrangiz Visiting Scholar, Cape Town University Karam Ghassan Prof. Pace University ;Economics Department, Pace University; Pleasantville NY USA; Karimi-Hakkak Ahmad Professor of Persian Language, Literature, and Culture Director, The Roshan Center for Persian Studies 1220 Jimenez Hall University of Maryland College Park USA; Karimi-Hakak Mahmood Professor Department of Creative Arts, Siena College, New York, Artistic Director, Mahak International Artists Inc, Albany, New York of Theatre, NY, USA Keddie Nikki ;Professor Emerita of History, UCLA ;Santa Monica, CA, USA Keshavars Fatemeh Professor and Chair, Asian & Near Eastern Languages and Literatures Washington University in St. Louis, IN, USA Khorrami Mohammad Mehdi Professor, Persian Language and Literature New York University Department of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies 50, NY USA Khosrokhavar Farhad Professor, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France Kian Azadeh Professeur de sociologie, Directrice du CEDREF Université Paris-Diderot-Paris, France Mahdavi Mojtaba Assistant Professor , Department of Political Science, University of Alberta, Canada Mahdi Akbar Professor of Sociology, Ohio Wesleyan university, OH, USA Mahdian Mohammad Ph.D. Senior Research Scientist, Yahoo! Inc., California, USA. Malekahmadi Farshad Associate Professor of Sociology, Naugatuck Valley Community, College, CT, USA Mehdi Mansouri Ph.D., Associate Professor, Herzing University, USA Melikian Assieh Associate Professor of Environmental Health Medicine, New York University, USA;Mirfakhraie Ahmad,Vice President; BioHealth College ;San Jose, CA – 95134; USA; Mir-Hosseini Ziba Senior Research Associate, Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Law SOAS, University of London. Milani Abbas Hamid and Christina Moghadam Director of Iranian Studies Stanford University, CA, USA Moaddel Mansoor Professor of Sociology, Eastern Michigan University, MI, USA Moghissi Haideh Professor and Associate Dean, FLAPS, York University, Canada Mohammadi Majid Professor; Stony Brook Institute for Global Studies; Stony Brook/New York Monshipouri Mahmood Associate Professor, Dept. of Int’l Relations, San Francisco State University, CA, USA Mousoli Reza BSc (Hons) MSc FHEA CED MBCS, Senior Lecturer, Canterbury Christ Church University, Kent, United Kingdom Navab; Mousoli Zohreh Dip Tehran Iran;Mohamad Professor, Project Leader, Cardiology, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA Nayeri Ali Assit. Prof of Theoretical Physics, Chapman University & University of California, Irvine Niroomand-Rad Azam Professor Emeritus, , PhD, DSc, DACR, FAAPM, FACMP; Fellow, Past President of International Organization for Medical Physics, Madison, Wisconsin, USA Nomani Farhad Professor of ecomomics, Chair of department of economics, The American university of Paris, Paris , France Paivandi saeed Professor; University Paris 8; Paris, France Pakravan Karim Associate Professor ;DePaul University;Jackson;Chicago IL 60604 Parsa Misagh Professor of Sociology, Dartmouth College, NH, USA Rakei Ali Theoretical Physicist, Washington DC, USA Rahnema Saeed Professor of Political Science and Public Policy, York University, Canada Rahni Davood Professor of Chemistry, Pace University New York, NY, USA Sabetian Manoucher Consultant surgeon. MB BS, FRCS, Ex-President Iranian PEN in Exile, United Kingdom Sadeghi Nader MD, FRCSC Associate Professor of Surgery, Dir. Head & Neck Surgery George Washington,USA Sebti Reza Research assistance, Department of Philosophy, University of Alberta, Canada Shariatmadari Hassan Theologian and Philosopher, former Director of Publication Department of Dar-al-Tabligh Islami ( 1973-80), Publisher and Chief Editor of Pyam Shadi and Nasle. Germany Shirazi, Arman Ph.D. Senior Scientist, CSM North America;Schmitter Amy,Associate Professor, Dept. Of Philosophy, Univ. of Alberta, Canada Talattof Kamran Professor, University of Arizona, AZ, USA Tehrani Ali Professor of Engineering, Conestoga College, Canada Tohidi Nayereh Professor & Chair, Department of Gender & Women’s Studies, California State University, Northridge, CA, USA Zangeneh Hamid Professor of Economics, Widener University, Pennsylvania, USA Ziai Hossein Jahangir and Eleanor Amuzegar Chair in Iranian Studies, Director of Iranian Studies, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA, CA, USA