Hank Blakely 0

Stop the Fairways Development Now!

229 signers. Add your name now!
Hank Blakely 0 Comments
229 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The current plan proposed by the JBG Companies for redevelopment of Reston’s Fairways Apartments complex is not in the best interests of the Reston community. In addition to increasing the current number of dwelling units by 230%, the proposed redevelopment will also:

•    Be physically incompatible with Reston design standards
•    Disrupt a stable neighborhood by forcing high density development into a medium density area
•    Decrease our inventory of moderately priced, affordable housing for teachers, police, firefighters and other public servants
•    Contribute to a great increase in traffic, leading to massive congestion and possible gridlock, particularly at North Shore Drive and Temporary Road
•    Greatly increase air pollution in the Lake Anne neighborhood and in the immediate vicinity of an elementary school
•    Result in the loss of extremely valuable mature trees in the area; these trees provide quantifiable environmental services to our community

The proposed development is a knife in the back of true Transit Oriented Development, and I urge all responsible parties, whether elected or appointed, to reject this poorly planned project and  return it to JBG Companies  for additional revision.


Sustainable Reston is a project of the Fairfax Coalition for Smarter Growth. Please pass this petition on to other Reston residents.


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