Ozark RVI School District Patrons and Tax Payers, STOP the district from Implementing the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program at Ozark High School!
The International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) sponsors the International Baccalaureate Program (IB) in relationship with the United Nations Education Science & Cultural Organization (UNESCO); and this “relationship” has formed what it called a universal “curriculum framework for peace education.” IB is a program of UNESCO developed for the purpose of creating what UNESCO calls an “international education system.”
IBO supports campaigns to put pressure on world leaders to implement the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. IBO actively promotes joining and donating to radical left-wing organizations such as Avaaz.org, Action Aid, Islamic Relief, Oxfam International, UNICEF, and World Vision. Groups like Avaaz.org (a new global web movement with the mission to close the gap between the world we have, and the world most people everywhere want.) support the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. Avaaz.org was co-founded by Res Publica, a global civic advocacy group, and Moveon.org.
IB is structured to change the attitudes, values, beliefs and behavior of its students to conform to the world government system and is a transformational progressive system of education which exists to promote internationalism. Dr. Ian Hill, Deputy Director of IBO, said that the primary goal of IBO is the promotion of “world citizenship.” [In his article, “Curriculum Development and Ethics in International Education,” given at the UN Disarmament Forum, 2001].
Any arbitration of disputes between American public schools and IBO: “shall be finally settled by one arbitrator in accordance with the Swiss Rules of International Arbitration of the Swiss Chambers of Commerce. The seat of the arbitration shall be Geneva, Switzerland.”
America’s foundational principles of national sovereignty, natural law and inalienable rights are at odds with and not taught inthe IB curriculum. IBO explicitly states that its curriculum does not follow the political system of any particular nation, including the United States of America.